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To celebrate the release of the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar (Skaventide), I wanted to paint one of the new Skavens as I find them very fun to paint, since they allow a lot of possibilities and effects.
In this tutorial I want to show you how to paint in a simple way and with a brush, some glowing red / orange eyes. This tutorial can be perfectly useful to paint demonic eyes or similar on your miniatures.
Before I start the tutorial, I would like to thank Games Workshop for sending me this amazing box before its release so I could paint some of their miniatures.
Lets start!
This will be the starting point. We will have the skin of the face finished before starting with the effect.

First, we paint a large area around the eyes with Scarlet Red 72.012.

In the second step, I enlarged the area a little with Scarlet Red, and reducing the area of application, I applied Bloody Red 72.010. Instead< of this paint, you can also use Citadel’s Wild Rider Red.
In addition, you can see that between these 2 steps, I have painted other glowing effects in green.

The eye is painted white. You can use any white as White Scar.

The eye and the area around the eye is painted with Fluo Orange 72.156, achieving a powerful luminous effect. A couple of coats can be applied, as it is a semi-transparent color.

Finally, apply a dot of Flash Gitz Yellow on one side of the eye to increase the sensation of a luminous effect.

Below you can see some photos of the final result with different backgrounds.