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In this tutorial we will see how to create and paint earthy bases with grass in a very simple way, which we can use to decorate our bases for all kinds of wargames.
Let’s Start!
Base creation
Firstly, Earth Texture Brown Earth 26.219 is applied all over the base and small stones or pieces of cork are placed on it.
Rocks and washes
The rocks are painted usingSurface Primer Black 70.602.
Once dry, the rocks are painted using Model Color Neutral Grey 70.992.
Apply a black wash on the rocks using Game Wash Black Wash 73.201
A sepia wash is applied over the earth using Game Wash Sepia Wash 73.200.
Using a flat tip brush, a dry brush is made on the rocks using Game Color Cold Grey 72.050.
To give it an extra lighting, a second dry brush is made using Game Color Stonewall Grey 72.049, this time only on some of the rock edges.
Edge of the bases
The edge of the base is painted using Model Color German Camouflage Black Brown 70.822
Vegetation & Grass
At this point, we are ready to start adding vegetation and grass to the base.
I will show you different combinations of vegetation so that you can see all the large number of options we have.
PVA glue is applied to some points on the base.
We spread static grass flock over the areas where we applied the PVA glue.
Tufts from Vallejo’s Scenery range are added. In this case the Wild Tuft Mixed Green SC416 reference has been added.
Below, multiple combinations will be shown using different types of tufts from Vallejo’s Scenery range. Here you can see the Wild Tuft Green SC406 reference .
At the same time, different tufts can be combined. Here are the Wild Dark Moss SC402 and Wild Tuft – Mixed Green SC416 references.
And in the following example we see a base with only Wild Tuft Green SC406 tufts.
Combining Wild Tuft Light Green SC407 and Wild Tuft Dense Beige SC412, we got a dry base.
You can also add fantasy tufts, to simulate alien planets. In this case, the reference Fantasy Tuft NeonSC430 has been used.
In this exampleFantasy Tuft Fire SC431 has been used.
Finally, one last sample using Fantasy Tuft Blue SC434.
Finally, remember that you can download the PDF version from the Vallejo website.