How to paint Mandalorian miniature – Star Wars Legion

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The second season of The Mandalorianhave been released recently. To celebrate it, I had thought about painting a figure of a Mandalorian , which will also be great for our showcase or for our Star Wars Legion wargame .

In the Star Wars Legion game, we can use it as a “proxy” for Boba Fett or any other bounty hunter . We could even use it as a proxy in some of our Warthammer 40k games as well.

Finally and before starting the tutorial, we have to mention that this figure is a version of Wargame Exclusive (Imperial Vindilorian Assassin) and I must say that I was very surprised by its quality and details.

Let’s Start!


As you well know, our well-known Mandalorian (Based on the TV series), stands out for his metallic armor (I will not explain anything else to avoid spoilers). For this reason, in this case I have decided to use a metallic primer, using Metallic Gray (Vallejo Hobby Paint Spray ).

As you can see below, the result is great and a perfect base to start.


We will start with cloak . First of all we will paint it using Black Model Color .

Using airbrush, we will begin to create some quick gradients, leaving the black in the recesses. For this, I have chosen the Gray Model Air reference .

As you can see, I have covered some parts of the miniature to avoid painting them with the airbrush. For this, we can use masking tape , for example.

In the next step , I used a mixture of Gray Model Air and Gray RLM 84 . As you can see, we can see now a gradient in the cloak.

To finish with the airbrush, in the bottom of the cloak and at a specific points (look at the photo below), I have applied Gray RLM 84 directly.

This would be the result after following these simple steps:

Base colors

We will begin to paint the base colors of the miniature. We will start with the underwear suit , using a very dark brown . For this reason I have chosen to use the German Black Brown Camouflage reference

For all the leather areas , Flat Earth Model Color .

For the gun handle , I have chosen a slightly darker brown , Chocolate Brown Model Color .

Then we will paint all the black areas , such as the 2 weapons (front and rear), the helmet visor and boots . We will use Black Model Color .

For the skulls , we will use BoneWhite Game Color .

To paint the bullets , I have chosen the Brass Model Color metallic color .

Talking about the arm buttons , some have been painted using Red Model Color , and others with Intermediate Green Model Color .

In addition, we will use this red to paint the shoulder pad and the visor / reticle of the helmet .

Here we have another image where it can be seen more clearly:

For the gloves , we will use German C. Black Brown Model Color and on the tips of the fingers Orange Red Model Color .

Why those colors for the gloves? Well, don’t ask me the reason for choosing these colors! I have only relied on the official images to make a recreation as close as possible 🙂

To finish with the base colors, we will start preparing the base. I have decided to use a sand base (based on Tatooine , for example). This will fit my other Star Wars Legionminiatures perfectly.

I have applied Vallejo Earth Texture, Desert sand (26317) all over the base.

If you want to see how paint sand / desert bases easily , you have a tutorial on this blog too.


We start with the next step: The washes!

We will apply Vallejo Umber Wash , for all brown areas such as leather, in addition to the skulls and red areas.

Then we will use Vallejo Sepia Wash over the metallic bullets and over the desert base.

To finish with the washes, we will apply a Vallejo black wash all over the metal armor and metallic parts of the weapons.

Here we see the result after applying all these washes:


We will begin with the metallic armor. In addition, we will also edge highlight the metallic parts of weapons .

To do this, we will edge highlight the armor using Silver Model Color mixed with a little White Model Color .

Here we can see some photos in detail, with the result after edge highlighting all the armor and weapons.

Dont forget to paint the edge of the base , using Leather Brown Game Color .

We will begin to edge highlight all the black parts of the miniature, like guns and boots. We will do this using Neutral Grey Model Color .

Once finished, using White Model Color , we will edge highlight all the edges and corners, achieving the following effect:

Now it is the turn of all the brown areas of leather . We will start edge highlighting with a mixture of Flat Earth Model Color and Sunny Skin tone Model Color .

And we will finish all these leather parts, using Sunny Skin tone directly in some corners and at some random points to generate some fast weathering effects .

We will illuminate the skulls using BoneWhite Game Color , and later in some higher areas, Ivory Model Color.

For the cloak, we will make some quick highlights, firstly mixing the colors with which we painted it using airbrush (Model Air Gray + RLM84 Gray), and we will finish by painting almost pure white some of the lower corners.

Here we can see the miniature at this point of the process. Almost there!

We will light up all the parts we painted using Red color in the previous step of “base colors”. For this we will use Vermilion Red , mixing a little White in some corners and edges.

We will illuminate the green buttons of the arms with a little Yellow Green Model Color .

All the dark brown suit areas, as well as the handle of the weapon, will be illuminated using a mixture of Chocolate Brown Model Color and Sunny Skin Tone Model Color .

We will use the dry brush technique for the base, where we will apply Sand Yellow Model Color . I recommend using a flat brush for this task, like the one you can see in the photo.

Then we will apply the same technique , this time in a lighter way and using White Model Color .

Final result

Here I leave you with some photos of the final result:

And here some artistic photos with black background . Here we can see a greater contrast of the colors of the miniature when having a black background:

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