How to paint change and transformation effect of an Alpha Legion Space Marine

In today’s tutorial I’m going to show you in a quick and easy way, how I painted the change or transformation effect of a Dreadnought from the Alpha Legion (Space Marines) chapter.

The complete tutorial on how I painted this miniature can be found in the tutorial I prepared for issue 19 of Fantasy Figures International magazine. In that article, you can find the tutorial in detail, as well as all the bits I used for its transformation (using Liberdaemonica bits), and also information about Cerxis’ #Omegonswrath movement.

It was the cover of the magazine, so if you are interested don’t hesitate to subscribe or buy the paper edition, while there are still units left!

Lets start!

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Space Wolves Terminators – Conversions of the new Terminators from the Leviathan Box (10th Edition)

In just 2 days the new Leviathan box will be released, so to celebrate it and to give ideas/inspiration on how to customize the new miniatures, I decided to show you the conversions I have prepared of the new primaris Terminators. Also, in the next few days I will show in my Instagram account the process of painting the whole Terminator squad.

If you want to see the conversions and painting I have done of the Captain in Terminator armor and the Librarian in Terminator armor from the Leviathan box, you can see them in the previous articles.

Of course, many thanks to Games Workshop for sending me the new edition before its release.

Lets start!

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How to paint Salamander Space Marines on Motorbike – Outriders (Part 1)

The Salamanders are one of my favorite Space Marine Chapters. That’s why when the indomitus box with new Primaris space marines Outriders was released, I wanted to get the box to paint them.

In this first tutorial, we will see how to customize the miniature and how to paint the armor of a Salamander Space Marine. Do you want to see how I have customized and painted this miniature?

Well… Let’s go! How to paint Primaris bikes from the Salamanders chapter:

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